3/4" 4 x 8 A-1 Fir VG VC MDF Xband Vertical Grain CFC TSCA Title VI Compliant
Part #PWFR34IA0009867
Product Description
Can vary in color based upon age and location of tree. Usually a light brown color with a hint of red and/or yellow, with darker growth rings. In quartersawn pieces, the grain is typically straight and plain. In flatsawn pieces, (typically seen in rotary-sliced veneers), the wood can exhibit wild grain patterns. Grain is generally straight, or slightly wavy. Medium to coarse texture, with moderate natural luster.- Attributes
Core: VC MDF Xband CFC
Cut: Vertical Grain/Book Match
Face Grade: A
Panel Bonding: TSCA Title VI Compliant
Panel Size: 48.5 x 96.5
Species: Fir
Thickness: 3/4"

3/4" 4 x 8 A-1 Fir VG VC MDF Xband Vertical Grain CFC TSCA Title VI Compliant
Part #PWFR34IA0009867